The decline of Harappan Civilization UPSC Prelims Quiz

1. Which Harappan town was destroyed due to recurrent floods?

Correct! Wrong!

Mohenjodaro, which is situated on the Indus River's bank in Sindh's southern province, dates back to about 2400 BC. There is evidence of silt on the dwellings and streets of the civilization, indicating that it was at least seven times devastated by floods and rebuilt on top of ruins each time.

2. Which of the following is / are the most distinctive artefacts of the Harappan Civilisation?

UPSC Prelims Quiz
Correct! Wrong!

Seals and Bricks are the most distinctive artefacts found in Harappan civilization.

3. Which of the following is responsible for the decline of the Harappan Civilization? A. Drying up of rivers B. Deforestation

Correct! Wrong!

Drying up of rivers and Deforestation were one of the major reasons of the decline of Indus Valley Civilization.

4. Which of the following deity was not worshipped in Indus valley civilization?

Correct! Wrong!

There was no evidence that proves that Trimurti, Lord Vishnu were worshipped in in the Indus Valley Civilization.

5. The Indus Valley Civilization is also known as Harappan Culture because

Correct! Wrong!

Harappa was the site to be discovered. Earlier it was named as Harappan Civilization which was later changed to Indus Valley Civilization.

6. Where is the city of Indus Valley Civilization 'Lothal' located?

Correct! Wrong!

Lothal is located in State of Gujarat.

7. Which of the following Harappan sites yieded camel bones?

Correct! Wrong!

Camel Bones were found at Kalibangan site belonged to 2000 B.C.

8. In which state is the Harappan culture site ‘Sanauli’ located?

Correct! Wrong!

Sanauli is located in Uttar Pradesh.

9. The great granary was discovered in which Indus Valley site?

Correct! Wrong!

Greatest Granary was found in Mohenjodaro.

10. The burial site at Inamgaon lies along the river ______.

Correct! Wrong!

Inamgaon is located near Ghod river.

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