Mauryan Polity & Administration

Mauryan Administration

Mauryan Empire was the first great empire in the history of the Indian subcontinent. The references found in Arthashastra, Indica of Megasthenes & information provided by Ashokan encryption through light on nature & character of … Read more

Mauryan Empire (324 BC-187 BC)

Maurya Empire

The Mauryan Empire was one of the largest empires in Indian history. At its greatest extent, stretched to the north along the natural boundaries of the Himalayas, to the east into Assam, to the west … Read more

Literary sources

Kalhana Rajatarangini, Literary SOurces

In the previous section, we already came through the definition of literary sources. But before starting this topic, we must go through the definition once again. Literary sources: The written evidence such as legends, manuscripts, edicts, … Read more

Mahajanpadas, Magadha and Mauryan Empire


In this section, we will discuss the world’s first republic state and the rise of Mighty Mauryan & their reigns. The Mahajanpadas were a set of sixteen kingdoms that existed in ancient India. It all … Read more

Sculpture in India

Sculpture in India

The art sculpture was highly developed in Harappan Civilization. The archaeological excavation carried out at various Harappan settlements has discovered several images. The Harappan used stone, terracotta, metal, and alloy to make images and sculptures. … Read more

Indo-Greek Kingdom

Indo-Greek Kingdom

After the decline of the Mauryas, northern India was split into several kingdoms. In the Magadha region, the Sungas came to power in about 185 BC. After that, the Kanvas came to power who were … Read more



The practice of untouchability was going on for ages. It commenced during the post-Mauryan age (2nd BC) & thereafter it continued to gain its influence in society. Untouchability was not only evil but in reality, … Read more

Magadha Dynasties

Magadha Empire Expansion

More than eight dynasties ruled over Magadha for many centuries. Starting from Brihadratha to the Imperial Gupta dynasty had ruled over the reign and raised Magadha to one of the most prominent reigns in the … Read more