Art and Cultures

One who is preparing for the UPSC Civil Services examination knows very well that he/she cannot ignore Art and Cultures notes. There are various notes are being scattered over the internet for Art and Cultures notes UPSC. We have complied and arranged such notes from the internet as well as various competitive books being recommended for UPSC Prelims preparation. The world is suffering due to this COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in various other tragedies. As coaching centers are closed, we have decided that we will reach out to all UPSC aspirants with our notes and will help them in preparation. We hope that our notes are going to help and improve your preparation to some extent.

In Art and Culture, we will learn about the various architectural, social, and religious forms of culture in our rich and diverse history. Starting from the age of Harappan Civilization, many forms of architecture’s culture or art can be observed. The most common form of art and cultures’ source comes from Architectural monuments and paintings across the ages. These sources are quite an important source for studying the history and historical aspects. Basically, art and culture is nothing but the study of various archaeological sources in such a way that it could help us to understand the ancient or medieval form of the social and religious structure of history.

The Art and Culture of India

India and its subcontinent region as a vast history to study. Many dynasties in different eras have ruled the region for many years, even for some centuries. Those era has left some beautiful memories for us to cherish. Some of those beautiful memories were being left in the form of monuments, while some left in the form of paintings. Yes, we are talking about the art and culture section of the history of India. Art and Culture section of History has its own importance for someone who is keen on studying Indian History as well as for aspirants preparing for UPSC Civil Services.

In the section about the art and culture of India, the architecture will be covering most of the part of the notes and it is quite important for the UPSC examination as well. One of the most important sections of these notes is the Temple architecture and paintings of India. These two are the most important archaeological sources of history as well.



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20 December, 2020

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20 December, 2020 

20 December, 2020 

20 December, 2020

This section of Art and culture of India begins with the architecture of India, where we will discuss the sculptures, pillars, cave, and Buddhist architecture built during the ancient ages. Then we will head towards the medieval and modern ages historical monuments as well. In the Medieval era, we will notice that the architecture of India seems to be affected by the Turkish invasion. Islamic essence is reflecting clearly from monuments, even if the structure is non-Islamic. Later we will see the influence of Europeans in architecture. We hope that our notes are quite enough to sail through the UPSC prelims along with your best efforts.