India is willing to collaborate with Jamaica and contribute its technical expertise: President Ramnath Kovind

President Ram Nath Kovind has stated that India is willing to collaborate with Jamaica and share its technical skills, knowledge, and expertise in order to modernize the Caribbean country’s education and companies.

On May 17, Mr. Kovind addressed both Houses of Jamaican Parliament in a joint session “I feel very much at home in front of you, despite being fifteen thousand kilometers away from India. And why shouldn’t I, given that this House contains many excellent members of Indian descent?” The President stated that Indians have been welcomed with open arms and treated with decency and respect in Jamaica. As a result, India has a strong presence in not only politics, but also business, music, sports, fashion, and gastronomy.

Mr. Kovind stated that Jamaica’s strategic location near some of the world’s greatest economies, as well as its bright pool of English-speaking youth, provide it a unique potential to become a “knowledge highway” and reap the benefits of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

India shares Jamaica’s ‘Vision 2030’ aims of empowering its citizens

Mr. Kovind stated, “India shares Jamaica’s ‘Vision 2030’ aims of empowering its citizens and providing a secure, cohesive, and just society while developing a rich and sustainable economy.” “India is willing to collaborate with Jamaica and share its technical skills, knowledge, and expertise, which have the potential to alter Jamaica’s education and economy.”

“Top Jamaican enterprises currently source software and backroom technical help from Indian technology companies,” Mr. Kovind said, adding that India is on the verge of becoming a knowledge economy that develops, disseminates, and uses knowledge to promote growth and development.

“Jamaica is set for even greater economic success,” the President remarked, citing the country’s abundant natural resources, strategic location, young population, and energetic leadership.

Jamaica’s leadership in the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), international rules-based behavior, and commitment to carry greater responsibility, according to Mr. Kovind, make it a preferred partner for other countries.

Mr. Kovind stated that India and Indians are leading the way in cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and the Metaverse, which are at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. India is also a hotbed for start-ups and cutting-edge technology, and it is one of the top three countries with the most unicorns.

The President stated that many alumni of the prominent Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) are leading the world’s largest enterprises and technology organizations.

India plans to open new Indian Institutes of Technology abroad

According to the President, India plans to open new Indian Institutes of Technology abroad under the National Education Policy announced in 2020. Mr. Kovind expressed his delight that Jamaica is one of the first countries to indicate interest in hosting an Indian Institute of Technology.

Foreign students can now enroll in specialized technical courses at top Indian schools and universities thanks to the National Education Policy “declared the President. Mr. Kovind added, “Jamaican students should take advantage of this opportunity to study at some of the greatest universities in the world at a fraction of the expense of western institutions.”

According to the President, India and Jamaica are already cooperating to reduce carbon emissions through the International Solar Alliance. Mr. Kovind continued, “There is also considerable potential for cooperating in the railways and agriculture sectors, which are among India’s strengths.”

“Jamaica’s supremacy in athletics at the Olympics, World Championships, and other elite sporting events are astonishing for a country with less than 3 million people.” “India will look to you for teachings in sports and athletics. Cross-pollination in the music and entertainment industries will benefit both countries’ entertainment industries. In addition, there is a lot of room for collaboration and mutual learning in the hotel and tourist industries “added the President.

“I am convinced that our complementarities and convergences will benefit us both.” As the two countries commemorate 60 years of diplomatic relations, Mr. Kovind stated, “let us draw inspiration and strength from our developing collaboration, our core principles, and shared values.”

“Let us keep working together to turn our common goals into actual collaboration and a more equitable world order,” the President added.

The collaboration will help to serve as a bridge to a more united, humane, and prosperous world

Mr. Kovind stated that the two countries’ collaboration will not only help our people construct a bright future, but will also serve as a bridge to a more united, humane, and prosperous world.

The President quoted Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, about his worldview: “I want my country’s freedom so that other countries might learn from my free country and so that my country’s resources can be used for the good of humanity.” On May 16, he stated he brought a sandalwood sapling from India and put it in the Hope Botanical Gardens’ India-Jamaica Friendship Garden.

“Like the Indian community has developed and is contributing to the development of Jamaica, I am optimistic that this seedling will grow into a tree and beautify the garden with its warm scent,” Mr. Kovind added.

Our two countries are linked not only by the Indian diaspora and cultural ties but also by our shared values in democracy and liberty, according to Mr. Kovind.

“The Jamaican Constitution is built on the principle that all citizens are created equal. Our founding ancestors shared this idea and desired individual liberty for all Indian citizens “added the President.

“They built a modern nation based on freedom, democracy, and equality. They also assured us that we continued to celebrate ‘Unity in Diversity,’ which is very close to Jamaica’s motto of ‘Out of many, one People.’ “Mr. Kovind concluded.

“I appreciate the Jamaican government’s generosity of naming an avenue in Kingston after Dr. Ambedkar, which I opened yesterday,” added the President.

“It is wonderful to note that, since its independence sixty years ago, Jamaica has committed to the ideas of democracy in text and spirit,” he said, adding that, with the expanding role of women in the public arena, Jamaica is setting the standard for others to follow.

Mr. Kovind stated, “I’d like to congratulate Jamaica on setting an example by appointing a female Chief of Defence Staff.” India is expected to expand at the highest rate among all major economies as the world recovers from the COVID-19 crisis “According to Mr. Kovind.

“Since independence, we have boosted agricultural productivity many times over, becoming a net exporter of food grains. India is also recognized as the “world’s pharmacy,” producing high-quality medications and vaccines at low prices “Mr. Kovind continued.

India has exceeded 150 gigawatts of renewable energy

According to the President, India has exceeded 150 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity and has set a goal of 450 gigawatts by 2030.

“We’ve also joined the International Solar Alliance to promote solar energy around the world. India’s space program has achieved significant progress. In addition to consistently launching satellites for countries all around the world, we are one of the few countries to send an orbital mission to Mars “According to Mr. Kovind.

The company’s motto is “Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas” which is India’s vision for a development model that includes all citizens.

“It is a celebration of our diversity, the power of societal peace, and a devotion to individual liberties and rights all at the same time. This is our culture’s ageless ethos; it is the foundation of our Constitution as well as our destiny “added the President. 

“Our everlasting principles are reflected in India’s unwavering belief in the concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,” which means “The World is One Family.” During the peak of the pandemic, India offered medical aid to over 100 countries and distributed COVID-19 vaccines to numerous countries, including Jamaica “Mr. Kovind continued.

Mr. Kovind added, “I aspire for the people of our great democracies to attain greater heights of friendship, collaboration, and prosperity.” 

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