NLC India Ltd Reclaims 2600 Hectares of Mined Out Land

NLC India Ltd, a Navratna Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Coal, is making significant progress in the field of renewable energy, including solar power generation. Sustainable land reclamation and a variety of other environmentally friendly efforts are also ongoing and proving to be quite successful. In all mining regions, afforestation and green belt formation projects are being carried out in accordance with the mine closure plan and the promise made to the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change.

NLC India Ltd involved in Fossil fuel mining

NLC India Ltd, which is involved in fossil fuel mining and thermal power generation, has planted over two crore trees in Neyveli township and industrial areas as part of its Green Belt creation effort. The PSU has so far regained 2600 hectares of land from mined-out areas, with 2188 hectares of afforestation. This area has been planted with a variety of natural species. More than 27.96 lakh seedlings have been planted in the reclaimed ground so far, and 100 hectares of land are being used for high-tech vegetable farming. 

As part of the reclamation of land, overburden from open cast mines is refilled in mined-out regions. Due to its diverse composition and lack of plant nutrients, this sort of soil is unsuited for agriculture. Furthermore, such soil lacks the correct texture and structure required for vegetation growth. With focused work, NLCL turns such refilled areas into agriculture fields by increasing soil quality to pre-mining levels and employing modern agriculture technologies.

In accordance with sustainable mining measures, NLCL has developed 52 water bodies covering 104 hectares to facilitate rainwater gathering. Other attractions include an ecotourism park with watercraft and a little zoo with a variety of birds. The area has become home to a huge number of native and migratory birds as a result of NLCL’s long-term environmental initiatives. 

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