Social-cultural effect

Social and Cultural life under Delhi Sultanate

The Turk’s brought a new social-cultural outlook along with them, it was an egalitarian liberal. The evils like the caste system & untouchability were absent. This positive Turkish culture left a deep impact on India; … Read more

Sultanate under Balban (c.1266-1286 CE)

Ghiyas ud din Balban

The growing authority of Balban alienated many of the Turkish chiefs and with a conspiracy in c.1250 CE, they ousted Balban from his position and replaced him with Imaduddin Raihan, who was an Indian Muslim, … Read more

Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1398 CE)

Tughlaq Dynasty

The Tughlaq Dynasty also referred to as Tughluq or Tughluk dynasty was a Muslim dynasty of Turko-Indian origin that ruled over the Delhi sultanate in medieval India. Its reign started in c.1320 CE in Delhi … Read more

Policies during Medieval Age

Coinage system of Delhi sultanate, Medieval Age

In this section, we will discuss several policies being implemented during the Medieval age especially during the era of the Delhi Sultanate. Our discussion will start from the monetary policy of the Medieval age followed … Read more

Lodhi Dynasty (AD 1451-1526)

Lodhi Dynasty

The Lodhi Dynasty under the Delhi Sultanate was the first Afghan Pashtun Dynasty in India who ruled from AD 1451 to 1526. This dynasty replaced the Sayyid Dynasty and it was a period of reforms … Read more

First Battle of Panipat (1526)

First Battle of Panipat, Ibrahim Lodhi

Panipat has been described as the pivot of Indian history for 300 years. And its story begins in the first great battle of 1526. After the fall of the sayyids; the Afghan Lodi dynasty had … Read more

The decline of Harappan Civilization

Decline of Harappan Civilization

After flourishing for more than 1000 years Harappan Civilization came to an end; the decline of Harappan civilization has been explained quite differently by different sections of scholars. This controversy about the decline of Harappan … Read more

The Indo-China Relation since 1947


India & China enjoyed close relations during ancient times, both the civilization are very old. India & China civilization is among the oldest civilization in the world. During the ancient age, Indians used to enjoy … Read more

Surat Split (December 1907)

Surat Split Congress Session at Surat 1907

The expulsion of extremists from congress in December 1907 at the Surat session is known as “Surat Split” in modern Indian history. It was the most significant event in the history of the Indian Struggle … Read more

Revolutionary Extremist (1899-1947)

Extremist Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt bombed Legislature Assembly

The closing years of the 19th century witnessed the emergence of a new trend in India’s struggle against British Rule. A new way of nationalism was becoming visible that relied on the use of the … Read more