The Pillar Architecture

Topra Pillar, Pillar Architecture

The earliest example of pillar architecture comes from the Harappan civilization. Two kinds of pillars having found at the Harappan settlement. One is a stone pillar having measurement that was found at Dholavira (Gujarat). This … Read more

Sectors of Economy: Primary and Secondary

Agriculture in India, agriculture

Primary Sector: This sector consists of Agriculture & Allied sectors and Mining. Here we will discuss forestry, fishing, dairy farming, ranching, plantations, and truck farming. Jhum Cultivation This type of cultivation is also known as … Read more

Social & Economic Geography

Social & Economics Geography

In this section, we will discuss the most important section of geography i.e. Social and economic geography. The resource is a cultural construct as it is an interface between the human population and technology. The … Read more

Types of Mountains


In this section, we will learn about the landforms and their types. Mountains are the most important type of landforms which we will discuss here. Landforms: This is a feature being present on Earth’s surface that … Read more

Satavahana Dynasty


In the north-western Deccan on the ruins of the Mauryan empire arose the kingdom of the Satavahanas in the first century B.C., with its center at Pratishtana (modern Paithan in Maharashtra). The Puranas speak only … Read more

Concept of Golden Age and Dark Age

Dark age and Golden age Gupta Empire and Administration

During the colonial rule of the British, they tried to malign the Golden age of Indian History as Dark Age. The concept of the Dark Age put forward by early colonial historian H.H. Wilson, V.A. … Read more

Social and Cultural life during Gupta Empire

Cultural Life and Social life of Gupta Empire

The social and cultural life of this age was characterized by elements of continuity and change. While some of the essential institutions & practices continued from previous ages. At the same time number of new … Read more

Magadha Empire

Magadha Empire Expansion

The emergence of the Magadha Empire in the 4th century BC carried the process of politico- administration evolution to its climax. It was the first empire in the Indian subcontinent. It covered an extensive territory … Read more

Political life during Vedic Age

Vedic Aryans Political Life of Vedic Age

In the previous section, we learned about the religious life of the Vedic age in both phases that is early Vedic age and later Vedic age. In this section, we are going to discuss the … Read more