Hinayana and Mahayana

Hinayana & Mahayana

For many centuries after Buddha’s demise, Buddhism strived in its earlier form. But by the advent of 1st century AD, anew doctrine emerged which was different and distinct in ideas and practices from the previous … Read more

The Cholas

The founder of the Chola Empire was Vijayalaya, who was the first feudatory of the Pallavas of Kanchi. He captured Tanjore in 850 A.D. He established a temple of goddess Nishumbhasudini (Durga) Tanjore. They successfully … Read more

The Pratiharas and The Palas

The Pratihara Dynasty The Pratiharas were an Indian dynasty that ruled a large kingdom in northern India from the 6th to the 11th centuries. However the political history of the Pratiharas was marked with their … Read more

Medieval Sculptures (Rashtrakuta and beyond)

Shiva parvati Sculptures

Sculptures were one of the most favoured media of artistic expression in India. The subject matter of Indian sculpture is almost invariably religious based on legends and myths. The pivot of the early medieval sculpture … Read more

Cave Architecture

Bhimbetka Caves, Raisen, Madhya Pradesh

In the history of Indian architecture, the rock-cut cave architecture enjoyed a place of great significance because these monuments were out of the live rock (stone is not separated from the hill) over centuries. A … Read more

Buddhist Architecture

The Buddhist Architecture

The history of Indian art begins with Buddhism. The founder of Buddhist art in India was the greatest Maurya ruler Ashoka. The Buddhist art is represented in the forms of the Stupas, the Viharas, the … Read more

Satavahana Dynasty


In the north-western Deccan on the ruins of the Mauryan empire arose the kingdom of the Satavahanas in the first century B.C., with its center at Pratishtana (modern Paithan in Maharashtra). The Puranas speak only … Read more

Mauryan Empire (324 BC-187 BC)

Maurya Empire

The Mauryan Empire was one of the largest empires in Indian history. At its greatest extent, stretched to the north along the natural boundaries of the Himalayas, to the east into Assam, to the west … Read more

Rise of Mahajanapadas


600 BC was the age of the emergence of bigger political entities known as Mahajanapadas. The contemporary source such as the Buddhist text Anguttaria & Jain text Bhagatisutra provides the name of 16 Mahajanapadas of … Read more

Bhakti Movement (14th-16th Century)

Bhakti Movement

Indian culture & civilization have undergone reformation & revitalization many times throughout the history of mankind. The Bhakti Movement was the outcome of rigidity in religion and the objects of worship. The Bhakti Movement Saints … Read more