The Kushanas Dynasty

Kushana Empire

Kushanas are considered to be one of the five branches of the Yuezhi tribe who lived in the Chinese frontier or central Asia. They are known as Guishuang in Chinese sources. They eventually acquired dominance … Read more

The Pratiharas and The Palas

The Pratihara Dynasty The Pratiharas were an Indian dynasty that ruled a large kingdom in northern India from the 6th to the 11th centuries. However the political history of the Pratiharas was marked with their … Read more

Buddhist Architecture

The Buddhist Architecture

The history of Indian art begins with Buddhism. The founder of Buddhist art in India was the greatest Maurya ruler Ashoka. The Buddhist art is represented in the forms of the Stupas, the Viharas, the … Read more

Satavahana Dynasty


In the north-western Deccan on the ruins of the Mauryan empire arose the kingdom of the Satavahanas in the first century B.C., with its center at Pratishtana (modern Paithan in Maharashtra). The Puranas speak only … Read more

Rise of Mahajanapadas


600 BC was the age of the emergence of bigger political entities known as Mahajanapadas. The contemporary source such as the Buddhist text Anguttaria & Jain text Bhagatisutra provides the name of 16 Mahajanapadas of … Read more

Early Medieval Period (600-750 CE)


Post Ancient/Early Medieval History is the period which marks the end of the ancient period and the start of the medieval period. Political fragmentation, feudalism, and the creation of various states are highlights of this … Read more

Architecture in India

Architecture In India, Hawa mahal

While reading Indian History, one must come through to know various architecture in India being built over the years by various rulers and invaders. India can proudly claim to be the only country in the … Read more

Sunga Dynasty

Sunga Dynasty

There was a succession crisis after Ashoka in the Mauryan Dynasty. Sooner dynasty collapsed and a new dynasty named as Sunga Dynasty took over the empire of the Indian subcontinent. When Ashoka Maurya breathed his … Read more