Kautilya’s Arthashastra

Kautliya's Arthashastra

Kautilya was the Prime Minister of Chandragupta Maurya. Chandragupta founded the Mauryan Empire with his help. Arthashastra was written by him. It is the most important source for writing the history of the Mauryans and … Read more

Rise of Mahajanapadas


600 BC was the age of the emergence of bigger political entities known as Mahajanapadas. The contemporary source such as the Buddhist text Anguttaria & Jain text Bhagatisutra provides the name of 16 Mahajanapadas of … Read more

Social and Religious Reforms

Role of Social–Religious Reform Movement The socio–religious reformers of 19th century such as Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Keshav Chandra Sen & Debendranath Tagore played a very important role in creating the circumstances leading to the … Read more

Archaeological Sources

Gold Coins of Kanishka

In the earlier section, we discussed definitions of history and historiography and its importance. Now in this section, we will find more details about historiography and archaeological sources which is the architect of the Historiography. … Read more

The Pillar Architecture

Topra Pillar, Pillar Architecture

The earliest example of pillar architecture comes from the Harappan civilization. Two kinds of pillars having found at the Harappan settlement. One is a stone pillar having measurement that was found at Dholavira (Gujarat). This … Read more

Cave Architecture

Bhimbetka Caves, Raisen, Madhya Pradesh

In the history of Indian architecture, the rock-cut cave architecture enjoyed a place of great significance because these monuments were out of the live rock (stone is not separated from the hill) over centuries. A … Read more

Buddhist Architecture

The Buddhist Architecture

The history of Indian art begins with Buddhism. The founder of Buddhist art in India was the greatest Maurya ruler Ashoka. The Buddhist art is represented in the forms of the Stupas, the Viharas, the … Read more

Gupta Economy

Gold Dinar of Gupta's Empire, Economy

The key feature of any empire or territorial ruling is their military expedition, political and administration mechanism, and economy of reign. Gupta’s ruling is used to term as the Golden Era of Indian history. In … Read more

Gupta Administration

Dark age and Golden age Gupta Empire and Administration

Indian history had seen various mighty and famous rulers. Those kings or dynasties wasn’t only famous due to their large military expedition or larger size of the kingdom but due to their firm administration over … Read more