Vedic Aryans

Vedic Aryans Political Life of Vedic Age

Vedic Aryans are the first thing that flashed through our minds whenever the discussion is being initiated about either of Harappan Decline or the Rise of the Vedic age. Peoples from Vedic ages used to … Read more

Dances in India

Dance in India

The physical expression of the emotive content of the music. “Gestures coupled with rhythmical movements to expressions can be defined as Dance”. Expression of mind through body movements. In ancient culture, dance was purely for … Read more

Bhakti Movement (14th-16th Century)

Bhakti Movement

Indian culture & civilization have undergone reformation & revitalization many times throughout the history of mankind. The Bhakti Movement was the outcome of rigidity in religion and the objects of worship. The Bhakti Movement Saints … Read more

Early Medieval Period (600-750 CE)


Post Ancient/Early Medieval History is the period which marks the end of the ancient period and the start of the medieval period. Political fragmentation, feudalism, and the creation of various states are highlights of this … Read more

The Paintings in India


The paintings in India can be noted from the early stone age. These early-era paintings represent the diversity of Indian art. Starting from the Stone age to the current era art of paintings makes Indian … Read more

Architecture in India

Architecture In India, Hawa mahal

While reading Indian History, one must come through to know various architecture in India being built over the years by various rulers and invaders. India can proudly claim to be the only country in the … Read more

Social structure of Indus Valley Civilization

The Harappan Civilization

The most important section while studying Harappan Civilization is the Social structure of Indus valley civilization. This structure highlights the culture, science, technology being used at that time.  Society seems to be materialistic in nature … Read more

The School of Writing

School of Writing

Ever since the commencement of history writing in the modern age in India in the number of school of writing has emerged in the context of the reconstruction of Indian history. These schools & scholars … Read more

Sunga Dynasty

Sunga Dynasty

There was a succession crisis after Ashoka in the Mauryan Dynasty. Sooner dynasty collapsed and a new dynasty named as Sunga Dynasty took over the empire of the Indian subcontinent. When Ashoka Maurya breathed his … Read more

The Gupta Empire

Gupta Empire

The Gupta Empire was an ancient Indian empire existing from the mid-to-late 3rd century CE to 590 CE. At its zenith, from approximately 319 to 550 CE, it covered much of the Indian subcontinent. This … Read more