Poverty Lines In India UPSC Prelims Practice Quiz

1. Usual status (US) unemployment is calculated with reference to a period of:

Correct! Wrong!

The Usual Status approach to measuring unemployment uses a reference period of 365 days i.e. one year preceding the date of the survey of NSSO for measuring unemployment. The Usual Status approach of measuring unemployment also looks at the principal activity and subsidiary activity status of the worker.

2. Relative poverty refers to a situation where:

Correct! Wrong!

Relative poverty is when households receive 50% less than average household incomes, so they do have some money but still not enough money to afford anything above the basics. This type of poverty is, on the other hand, changeable depending on the economic growth of the country.

3. Use of energy requirements (calorie) as a measure of poverty in India was made for the first time by:

Correct! Wrong!

Dandekar and Rath in 1971 used a daily intake of 2,250 calories per person to define the poverty line for India. They concluded from this study that 40 percent of rural residents and 50 percent of urban residents were below the poverty line in 1960–61.

4. Consider the following statements with reference to MNREGA:

UPSC Prelims Question
Correct! Wrong!

It is an employment scheme that was launched in 2005 to provide social security by guaranteeing a minimum of 100 days paid work per year to all the families whose adult members opt for unskilled labour-intensive work.

5. Which of the following are causes of the Poverty in India?

UPSC Prelims Practice Quiz
Correct! Wrong!

There is underemployment and disguised unemployment in the country, particularly in the farming sector. This has resulted in low agricultural output and also led to a dip in the standard of living. Efficient use of these resources can help eliminate poverty.

Poverty Lines In India UPSC Prelims Practice Quiz

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