Aurangzeb’s Deccan Policy

During Aurangzeb’s reign, the Mughal Empire was racked by large and petty rebellions mostly in the Deccan region. Traditional and newly cohesive social groups in northern and western India, such as the Marathas, Rajputs, Hindu … Read more

Mughal Empire under Aurangzeb

Mughal Empire under Aurangzeb

Aurangzeb was no doubt one of the best administrators in Mughal Empire but his greed for getting the Mughal Empire extended and intact for a long time made the fate of the Mughals drastic and … Read more

The Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb (c. 1658-1707 CE)

Aurangzeb and his foreign policy

Aurangzeb was one of the ablest and more precisely cruelest (in most of the context) of Mughal emperors. However, it can’t be denied that under the Aurangzeb regime the Mughal Empire reached its greatest territorial … Read more

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