Climate change: Extreme temperatures around the world

Climate Change: Extremely high temperatures of around 30 degrees Celsius above normal were recorded in regions of eastern Antarctica in March, raising concerns about quickly developing climate change. On March 18, the Concordia station in Antarctica set a new temperature record of -11.5 degrees Celsius (11.3 degrees Fahrenheit). The previous record, according to meteorologist Etienne Kapikian, was 3.7°C on December 17, 2016.

The World Meteorological Organization has named 2021 as one of the top seven hottest years ever recorded. Last year’s worldwide average temperature was almost 1.110 degrees Celsius higher than pre-industrial (1850-1900) levels. The earth’s global average surface temperature in 2021 is tied with 2018 as the sixth warmest year on record, according to NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Here’s a rundown of some of the most extreme temperatures since 2021.


In the city of Szécsény, Hungary, in eastern Europe, on March 24, 2022, the highest ever daily temperature range was recorded. The difference between the day’s minimum and maximum temperature was 31.1 degrees, according to the country’s meteorological department.


Climate change pattern has affected this mountain country as well. Punakha Dzong, the administrative headquarters of Bhutan’s Punakha district, which is rather warm throughout the winter season, got snow for the first time in almost six decades in February 2022.


Canada saw a stunning temperature of around 500 degrees Celsius in 2021, akin to that of the sweltering Saharan Desert. In June 2021, the temperature in Lytton, British Columbia, reached 49.50°C, breaking daily and all-time records. This shattered Canada’s previous record of 45°C established at Yellow Grass and Midale, Saskatchewan, in July 1937.

The record-breaking heat in British Columbia was part of a bigger heatwave that swept across North America’s western coast in June 2021. On June 27, Seattle hit 40°C, the highest temperature the city has ever seen on any day of the year. 

Climate change in Brazil

In mid-2021, significant portions of Brazil experienced frost, damaging the majority of the country’s coffee plants in an exceptionally rare occurrence. 

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